All of my posts so far have been "big picture" topics, with a short update about something in my recovery related to that big picture. Today, I really do want to focus more on my progress so far.
Tomorrow will be three weeks since surgery. It feels like it has been an eternity, and it feels like I still have soooo far to go (mostly because I do). But when I start to get discouraged I have to think about all the progress I've made. From completely immobile, to on crutches, to using a cane, and now I'm walking with nothing but the brace I'll have for the next few months.
I'm taking great satisfaction in setting concrete goals, only to achieve them. It's like mental preparation for when I return to jiu jitsu - or really for any other aspect of life. It's been a while since I had a really big challenge I was forced into. In some twisted way, this has been kind of exciting. "How far can I progress in my recovery today?" has replaced drilling techniques or surviving a "heater-on-2-hours-of-nontstop-fighting" BJJ practice. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea though. I'm very anxious to get back on the mats and I'm working very hard to do that sooner than later.
But this is why it is so important to set goals...REAL goals. Not ambiguous, "I want to be better/richer/stronger/faster/smarter/more successful" goals. Like winning a tournament, running a 7 minute mile, or squatting 250 pounds. Like saving $20,000, winning a case, or getting a promotion. And once you reach that goal, you can look back to it for motivation when things get hard later down the line. You won't be as easily discouraged because you'll look back and say, "hey I've done this before. I've done harder things before. I can do this too!"
So what goals have I been setting? I mentioned one above. To get off of crutches, and to be walking unassisted. I met that goal about a week ago. I probably jumped the gun a little bit, but I was doing it nonetheless. I'm on the stationary bike regularly now, which was impossible for a very long time, at least not without an extreme amount of pain.
I still have a lot of other goals I'm working toward though. Range of motion, strength, and balance are all still lacking on some level. I want to run, squat, jump and do all sorts of other things. I've progressed a lot in three weeks, but by week six I don't want to have simply doubled my progress. I already know what I'm capable of doing in three weeks, so the idea is that you set your goal a little higher. With a lot of positive affirmation and diligence, I'm pretty positive that I'll meet them, because look what I've already done!
I also had a goal to be rid of this guy by the end of the first month post-surgery. It's been three weeks. Getting stronger every day!!
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Maybe I should have finished my Christmas shopping first! |